Top 10 Companies Hiring Remote Workers, Apply Now!
By examining its database to determine which businesses had the most work-from-anywhere job postings between January and June 2022, FlexJobs has determined the top companies hiring for work-from-anywhere jobs in order to assist job seekers in finding the best remote positions that enable them to work from anywhere in the world.
Every business on the list provides full-or part-time remote jobs that don’t have a requirement for location or require any time spent in an office. The top 10 companies with the most work-from-anywhere job ads are listed below (you can view the complete list here).
1. Protocol Labs
2. Wikimedia Foundation
3. StudySmarterÂ
4. Toptal
5. Achieve Test Prep
6. ModSquad
7. Polygon Technology
8. Superside
9. ConsenSys
10. Airbnb
Jobs That Can Be Done From Anywhere Are Now More Popular (and Competitive) than ever
The competition for these highly sought-after employment opportunities can be fierce given that 54% of individuals consider themselves “anywhere workers” but that just 5% of remote jobs provide for “work-from-anywhere” flexibility.
According to FlexJob, the following are the requirements for work from anywhere jobs:
- An entirely distant position with no geographic restrictions
- It is either full-time or part-time and does not involve any office time (but may also offer a flexible or alternative schedule)
The industries that posted the most work-from-anywhere jobs are:
- Marketing
- Computer & IT
- Writing/Editing
- Project Management
- HR & Recruiting
- Accounting & Finance
- Graphic Design
- Bilingual
- Customer Service
- Education & Training
The most popular job titles include:
- Copywriter
- Executive Assistant
- Front-End Developer
- Marketing Manager
- Product Manager
- Recruiter
- Social Media Manager
- Web Designer
Take your work wherever you go. Apply Now!