Embrace a life without a bra
After a year of staying indoors, I realized how flawed the concept of a bra is. Within the first few months of the lockdown, I stopped wearing them, and let me confess that it was liberating and life-changing.
For most of my adolescent life, I have spent hours finding the right fit, struggling with the lace or the string. Lockdown gave me an opportunity to dress for comfort rather than to satisfy the constant pressure of society.
Earlier I used to think that wearing a brassiere will help in keeping the pair young, healthy and it will prevent them from sagging, if you believed that too then you might be in for a shock. According to Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon from the University of Besançon, France, wearing a bra is not necessary at all!
In fact, his 15-year-long research further conveys that they might actually do more harm than good. This is because, according to the study, wearing bras prevents the breasts from achieving their natural lift, hence, they get saggier.
I won’t delve more into the research and scientific aspect because I am neither a scientist nor a researcher. I am a graphic designer who has always juggled with the idea of a bra. Last year was revealing because I felt much happier and relaxed without those laces hanging around my body. I felt naturally calm. It’s like at 33 I learned how to live freely.
I know for most of us it won’t be possible to go bra-free when stepping out of our homes but I would like to encourage everyone to stop wearing brassiere at least at home. Try for few days and you won’t regret it.
Give a chance to your breast to breathe.
Guest Author:
Ray Menon is a 33-year-old graphic designer who spends her days listening to podcasts or watching NatGeo, and nights meeting work deadlines.