I feel trapped in my head, like I’m too scared to fly

I Feel Trapped In My Head, Like I’M Too Scared To Fly
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I feel like I’m caged.
I want to break free, but I can’t—the door’s locked.
I want to fly, but my wings are too heavy to lift.
I want open sky and clear skies, but they’re out of reach.

It’s hard to feel free when I’m stuck in my head.
I want to let go of all the things holding me back from living a life that’s mine and mine alone.
I know I deserve better than what life has been giving me lately.
I want to break free of the cage that’s holding me down.
The sky is so clear, but somehow I still feel like a prisoner inside myself.

Help me break free!

I feel trapped in my head.
I want to break free and fly.

But there’s too much noise,
And I can’t make out the sound of the birds,
Or even what’s going on in the sky.

Do I want to be free? I ask myself again.
Maybe not, my heart says.

Time to sleep as my wings are heavy.
The burden I carry is not so merry.
The day will go and the night will come.
As I lay on my bed feeling numb.

About the Author

Stevie is a 17-year-old from Texas who’s trying to be okay with how she looks, but clearly she’s failing at it. Writing this piece made her feel much lighter within, and she hopes to continue writing and maybe one day share with the larger audience how she actually looks and feels. Till then, adios.

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