Pentagon Report Says ‘Woman Claimed To Be Pregnant After Sexual Encounter With UFO’

Pentagon Report Says ‘Woman Claimed To Be Pregnant After Sexual Encounter With Ufo’

According to a Pentagon report, a woman claimed she became pregnant following an encounter with a UFO. The research, titled Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues, explains the impact that purported UFO experiences have on people’s health.

The Sun US obtained the Pentagon research, which looked into damage caused by “anomalous advanced aeronautical equipment” to “human observers.”

The report mentioned various unusual adverse effects, among which the most bizarre of them all was “unaccounted for pregnancy.” It also described “apparent abductions,” sexual encounters, telepathy, and perceived teleportation.

Humans have been injured as a result of “exposures to anomalous vehicles, particularly airborne and when in close proximity.”

It mentioned injuries such as radiation heating and burns, brain damage, and the ability to affect people’s nerves.

“Sufficient incidents/accidents have been accurately reported, and medical data acquired, as to support a hypothesis that some advanced systems are already deployed, and opaque to full US understandings,” the report added.

The report was part of more than 1,500 pages of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents for the Pentagon’s UFO programme, the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

The Sun said that they requested the records in December 2017 and that they were only recently handed over with “certain portions” suppressed.

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