The Rising Rate Of Sexual Assaults’ Against Women In UK; Terrifying Stats

The Rising Rate Of Sexual Assaults’ Against Women In Uk; Terrifying Stats
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Sexual assault is a problem that’s been simmering for years, but it’s only recently that we’re starting to see just how widespread it is. The #MeToo movement has brought many cases of sexual assault and harassment to light, but it’s also made it clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the rising rate of sexual assaults against women. One is the fact that we live in a culture that still doesn’t take women’s safety and security seriously enough. There’s a pervasive belief that sexual assault is something that happens to other people, not something that could happen to you or someone you know. But the truth is, anyone can be a victim of sexual assault, no matter how strong or independent they are.

Another factor is the way our justice system handles sexual assault cases. Too often, the victims are made to feel like they’re on trial, instead of the perpetrators. This can deter women from coming forward and reporting what happened to them. Perpetrators are not held accountable for their actions, which can create a sense of impunity and increase the likelihood that they will commit more assaults. The system also often fails to support victims, who are often retraumatized by the process and may feel like they have nowhere to turn. We need to do better at holding perpetrators accountable and supporting victims if we want to see a decrease in sexual assaults against women.

And finally, there’s the fact that many people still don’t believe that sexual assault is a real problem. They think that it’s not as big a deal as it really is. This kind of thinking creates a culture of silence around the issue, which makes it harder for victims to speak up and get the help they need.

How Many Women Are Killed Every Year?

According to the most recent data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 416 men were killed in England and Wales between April 2020 and March 2021, compared to 177 women.

109 of these women were murdered by men, and 10 by other women. There was no identified suspect in 58 incidents. This indicates that 92 percent of women were slain by men in the year ending March 2021, where the suspect was identified.

No One Wants To Talk About It, But There'S A Bigger Problem Here: The Rising Rate Of Sexual Assaults' Against Women; Terrifying Stats
Source: Office For National Statistics.

how many women knew who killed them?

According to the most recent ONS data, 60 percent of the women killed in England or Wales knew their killer , compared to 44 percent of male victims.

One-third or so of the accused were partners, either present or past. This is the most common relationship between the victim and the offender.

How many women are the victims of sexual assault?

The number of sexual assault victims among women in England and Wales rose by 13% to 40,572 for the year ending September 2021. (35,029 offences). In a calendar year, there have never been more sexual offences than there were in this one.

A decline in reported occurrences of rape and other sexual assault against women occurred between April 2020 and March 2021. This was probably brought on by the lockdown regulations that were put in place during the COVID epidemic.

When sexual assault offences occur, police statistics do not identify the attacker’s gender.

The largest annual number of rape victims ever recorded occurred in the year ending in September 2021 with 41,332 women. This is an increase of 10% from the previous year (37,502 offences).

 After Sarah Everard disappeared, the number of recorded sexual offences “noticeably increased,”  according to the ONS.

The police in Scotland documented 2,298 instances of rape or attempted rape in the previous year.

Despite the record increase in the number of offences being reported, the End Violence Against Women Coalition believes the real total is much higher:

“We know that these figures are still just the tip of the iceberg,” says director Andrea Simon.

 “Many women do not feel able to report [sexual assault] to police, for reasons ranging from societal cultures of victim-blaming, to myths and stereotypes that impact how survivors are treated.” 

How many rape cases lead to a prosecution?

No One Wants To Talk About It, But There'S A Bigger Problem Here: The Rising Rate Of Sexual Assaults' Against Women; Terrifying Stats
Source: home affairs select committee
 Only 1.3% of documented rape offences in England and Wales for the year ending September 2021 resulted in a charge or additional court proceedings , according to Home Office data.

This statistic does not include instances that are currently under investigation and includes both female (who make up the great majority of rape victims) and male victims.

According to Ministry of Justice data from 2020, 1,717 instances of rape involving a male offender and female victim resulted in criminal prosecution. 492 of them resulted in a conviction (29 percent ).

 Prosecutions for rape have decreased by 70% in England and Wales during the last four years .

This fall may be due, in part, to the high percentage of victims who choose to drop out of the case. This led to the closure of 63% of rape investigations between July and September 2021.

In Scotland, there were 300 rape and attempted rape prosecutions in 2019–2020. This represents a 20% increase from 2016–17.

How many women file reports of stalking and domestic violence?

In the year ending December 2021, the police in England and Wales registered 895,782 offences involving domestic violence. Compared to the 839,376 offences reported the year before, this is an increase of 7%.

Women made up 73% of victims of domestic abuse in the year ending in March 2021, according to data gathered from 26 police forces in England and Wales.

Additionally, police documented 690,929 occurrences of harassment and stalking within the same time frame, a 21% increase from the prior year. Between April 2019 and March 2020, stalking offences affected an estimated 4.6 percent of adult females in England and Wales.

The way police detect and document stalking instances may have changed, which could account for some of the increase. Victims might feel more at ease informing authorities about crimes.

In Scotland, there were 65,251 domestic abuse occurrences reported to police in 2020–2021. In four out of every five incidents, a female victim and a male accuser were involved.

In Scotland, 1,045 stalking accusations were made during the same time period.

Rape Cases Uk 1
Source: Office For National Statistics.

Concluding Remarks

The number of sexual assaults against women is increasing at an alarming rate.

There are many factors that contribute to this problem, but one of the most important is the fact that women are becoming more empowered and less likely to stay silent about these crimes. This is a positive trend, but it also means that we need to be more vigilant in protecting women from sexual predators. There are a few things that we can do to help protect women from sexual assault. One is to provide more education on consent and what constitutes assault. We also need to create more safe spaces for women, both physically and emotionally.

And finally, we need to continue to support and believe survivors when they come forward. If we all work together, we can make a difference in the fight against sexual assault.

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