Menopausal women can now take these 3 simple steps to improve their bone health

Menopausal Women Can Now Take These 3 Simple Steps To Improve Their Bone Health
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Menopausal women suffer considerably when it comes to their bone and cardiovascular health. If your menstrual cycle is coming to an end and you are experiencing several hormonal changes, here’s something you have to make sure to take care of: bone health.

Osteoporosis, which basically means “porous bones,” is a chronic disorder where bones lose structural support and are more likely to shatter or fracture. Osteoporosis is most frequently brought on by menopause. Estrogen levels begin to fluctuate and then decrease as a result of hormonal adjustments made to accommodate typical menopausal changes. Estrogen’s decline during menopause greatly accelerates bone loss since it slows the normal breakdown of bone, which prevents bones from becoming weaker.

How then can you take care of your bones? Which three actions can you take to help yourself?

1. Boost your intake of nutrients that are good for your bones

  • Eating foods rich in calcium

Getting enough calcium will support bone regrowth and strength maintenance. Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli, low-fat dairy products, canned fish with bones like salmon, calcium-fortified orange juice, and bread prepared with calcium-fortified wheat are all excellent sources of calcium.

  • Sunlight stimulates the creation of vitamin D

For us to absorb calcium in our intestines, metabolise calcium throughout life, and prevent bone loss at menopause, adequate vitamin D levels are essential. Less than 10% of dietary calcium may be absorbed if there is insufficient vitamin D. It is fairly obvious what part vitamin D plays in menopause. The hormone known as parathyroid hormone, which breaks down bone, tends to rise when oestrogen levels decline. It has been demonstrated that vitamin D can reduce the rise in parathyroid hormone, which in turn reduces bone resorption and bone loss after menopause.

Our bodies can produce enough vitamin D if we are exposed to the sun for a total of 20 minutes every day. Besides supplements, other sources of vitamin D include milk, fortified cereal, eggs, and fatty fish like salmon.

2. Exercising to protect and strengthen bones

Exercise builds bones and muscles and stops bone deterioration. It supports ongoing mobility and activity. The greatest workouts for preventing osteoporosis involve weight-bearing exercises and are to be done at least three to four times each week. Tennis, running, walking, dancing, and other activities can be helpful. Exercises that improve balance and strength can help people stay upright and prevent falls, which lowers their risk of suffering a bone fracture.

3. Stress management

The menopause is stressing you out, but you have to manage your stress. This is incredibly important.

The issue with stress is that it can interfere with bone health if it’s experienced on a daily basis since it causes you to create cortisol, an acidic hormone. Additionally, it is well recognised that cortisol can inhibit calcium absorption, making stress management crucial for maintaining strong bones.

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