Twitter Has Suspended Chinese Virologist’s Account Who Claimed COVID-19 Is Lab-Made In Wuhan
Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a former researcher at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, recently revealed that the deadly virus came from a lab in Wuhan. She published a paper detailing how the virus could be “conveniently created” in a lab setting in six months.
The Chinese Virologist has faced the heat from twitter after her startling revelation. Her Twitter account was suspiciously suspended as she claims her voice is strategically being shut down and her life is under threat.
In an interview with the Fox News on Tuesday, she said, “They don’t want the people to know this truth. Also, that’s why I got suspended, I got suppression [and] I am the target that China Communist Part wants to [sic] disappear.”
The host of Fox News Tuck Carlson responded by saying, “I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt so I’m going to assume you’re not an anti-Chinese racist so it’s not clear why Twitter would shut you down or why you’re being ignored by the rest of the US media.”
The Twitter, however, declined to comment to the Post on Wednesday.
On Monday, the whistleblower released a paper on the open-access repository website Zenote that she says backs up her claims and shows how the virus could be “conveniently created” in a lab setting in six months. Thereby reaffirming, the virus has been manufactured in a lab.
Featured Image: FOX