Find the hidden heart in this optical illusion. Only a genius can do it within 15 seconds

Find The Hidden Heart In This Optical Illusion. Only A Genius Can Do It Within 15 Seconds
📷 Spot the hidden heart among the elephants (Image:; Twitter)
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Nothing is nearly as majestic and powerful all at once as an elephant. You’ll observe them down trees to scratch their butts, making waterholes in the earth for all other species, and travelling great distances while planting forests. It makes sense that illustrators would want to integrate them in their works.

As you can see, this image features a large number of elephants, none of which are of the same color. There are some that are purple, some that are light pink, some that are white, and others that are dark pink. At first sight, this optical illusion might appear boring, but upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that each of these elephants has a distinct personality. To test your observational skills, you have 15 seconds to locate the heart that is hidden in this image.

Have you found the hidden heart?

Only A Genius Can Find The Hidden Heart In Less Than 15 Seconds

Let’s put your ability to notice small details to the test and see if you can identify the elephant holding the banana and the animal in the herd sporting a hat.

These two items may be pretty simple to locate. Now find out among these elephants, the hidden heart.

According to our tests, it should take an average individual with decent observational skills about 15 seconds to find the hidden heart among the elephants.

If you have managed to find the heart, you are quite good at observing things and you’re aware of your surroundings.

There is still hope if you were unable to locate the hidden heart in this optical illusion.

Here is a tip: The heart can be found in the upper portion of the picture. It’s not too big and shares some of these elephants’ colours.

For those who had trouble finding the heart still, the answer is below.

Only A Genius Can Find The Hidden Heart In Less Than 15 Seconds

More Optical Illusions To Try

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