6 Ways to Help Fight Climate Change

6 Ways To Help Fight Climate Change
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The Earth’s climate is changing, and the trend shows no signs of stopping. In order to help mitigate the effects, we need to act now – and that includes making changes in our everyday lives. In this article, you’ll find six easy ways to fight climate change in your day-to-day life!

1. Buying fewer clothes: To Fight Climate Change

One easy way to help fight climate change is by buying fewer clothes. This can help reduce the number of materials and energy used to produce and transport clothes. Buying clothes that are made out of sustainable materials like cotton or hemp is also an environmentally-friendly choice.

Trivia: Experts estimate that each of us in the United States throws away an average of 68 pounds of clothes per year. That adds up to about 25 billion pounds a year! And the majority of what we wear is made overseas, so transporting it back and forth across the world has a huge impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Cutting down on meat

One of the biggest contributors to climate change is animal agriculture. The world’s livestock produces more than 150 times as much greenhouse gas emissions as all the cars, planes, trains, and ships in the world. Producing a pound of beef causes about 18 pounds of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. Cutting back on meat can help cut down on your carbon footprint, which in turn helps fight climate change.

Renewable Energy For Climate Change

3. Switching to renewable energy

Switching to renewable energy is a great way to lower your carbon footprint and protect the environment. You can start by switching to electric sources like solar panels and battery storage, or natural gas. The best part about this switch is that it can reduce your monthly power bill because these forms of energy are cheaper than most others. Besides, if you need help finding an installer, there are plenty of reputable companies out there selling used solar panels for cheap.

4. Ditching plastic bottles: Easiest Way to Fight Climate Change

Americans use 2.5 million plastic water bottles every hour, which is about 20 billion bottles per year. It takes 3 litres of water to produce just one plastic bottle, and a shocking 80 per cent of those bottles end up in landfills and oceans.

To help reduce your plastic footprint, carry a reusable water bottle with you or those refillable aluminium cans. You could also buy a filter that attaches to your tap at home or work!

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5. Vesting your investments in green companies

Investing in green companies is one of the easiest ways to help fight climate change. When you invest in renewables, you are both helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and supporting sustainable businesses. Investing also gives you an opportunity to make a positive impact on not only humans but also the environment, and if your investment becomes profitable in the future, you will be rewarded with tax credits.

6. Recycling

Making a commitment to recycling is as simple as making a decision to buy products that are recyclable. If you’re not sure if something is recyclable, check the bottom of the product for recycling symbols. These symbols will either have arrows going in the same direction or in opposite directions, so look for arrows pointing in the same direction. This means that you can recycle this item with other recyclables (plastic, metal and glass).

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to fight climate change. It’s not expensive and you can even do it at home. You can recycle clothes, batteries, cans and paper products. The aluminium in cans can be recycled more than a hundred times before it becomes too weak to use. Paper products like newspapers and magazines are made from trees that absorb carbon dioxide, so by recycling them you’re helping reduce global warming.

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Fighting climate change is not only our duty to ourselves but also to future generations.

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