How Women Can Feel More Confident: Empowering Self-Talk

How Women Can Feel More Confident: Empowering Self-Talk
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How many times do you look in the mirror and say something negative about yourself?

You’re not alone.

According to a study conducted by the University of California Berkeley, women are more likely than men to engage in negative self-talk. We often talk negatively about our bodies (too fat, too skinny), our physical appearances (too old, too young), or our intelligence (not smart enough). This negativity can have a detrimental effect on how we feel about ourselves and also how we behave. For example, research shows that people who give themselves positive feedback are more likely to take risks and succeed. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Here, are some ways that women can start feeling more confident with empowering self-talk.

Why it’s important for women to feel confident?

It’s no secret that many people struggle with their self-image, but women seem to be more affected than men, with 70 per cent of women feeling dissatisfied with their weight and more than 80% of women feeling excessively worried about how they look. It can feel like there is never enough time for yourself, but it’s important to take care of yourself first. It’s also important to be confident in your own skin.

One of the most important causes of low self-esteem seen in women is due to lack of self-confidence. Not many women take advantage of opportunities that are presented to them and make use of opportunities that they’re offered. We can work on changing this because if you believe in yourself, you will be more likely to have the confidence you need to get what you want in life.

How to start building your confidence

1. Start with your body language

You might think it is the last thing you should worry about but if you want to become more confident, it is a good start. A confident person has an even and balanced posture. Try standing straight with your shoulders back and your head up. You can position yourself in a way that gives you more space or you can stay within the same area. Point your toes forward and lean back to stretch your legs. Try standing with your arms in front of you or above your head.

2. Practice positive self-talk

You probably talk to yourself more than you care to admit. Some of the things you say to yourself are just silly things you say to keep you happy. Some of the things you say have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. It’s time to change your inner dialogue.

You can have a positive or negative outlook on your life. It all depends on what you tell yourself. If you tell yourself that you’re ugly or not good enough, then that is how you will be perceived by others. What if instead, you told yourself that you are beautiful and smart? How would your thoughts change about yourself?

Body Language

1-Stand tall and make eye contact with others

2-Make a solid fist

3-Smile and tilt your head slightly to the right.

4-Tap your toes and swing your arms a little

5-Squeeze your hands into fists and tuck your legs together

Body language is very powerful. Studies show that people who hold eye contact or smile, face more positive emotions.

Confidence attitude

The more you make an effort to improve yourself, the more you will be capable of doing.

  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Practice optimism.
  • Reduce your fears.
  • Don’t have unrealistic expectations.
  • Be kind and constructive.

Lifestyle changes

The most effective way to gain confidence is by doing new things you’ve never done before. This will challenge you and help you gain confidence. Women who experience a lot of confidence-building activities will have much higher self-esteem than those who don’t. When you feel more confident about yourself, you start to approach more opportunities. You can try new activities, make new friends, and go on new adventures.

An important aspect of confidence-building is learning from your mistakes. Learning from mistakes will keep you from repeating them in the future. It will help you gain more confidence because you know what you can do, what you are capable of, and how much harder you can work.

It’s time for you to accept, embrace and change.

Written by Pragya Singh

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