11 tips for girls to be confident and sassy at work and home
If you’re a woman, chances are that you’ve been told to be confident and sassy at work and home. But what does that mean? How can I be more confident and sassy? And why is it important for women to have these traits as part of their personalities? Let’s take a look at some tips from some of our favorite leading ladies who know how important it is for women not just in this generation but all generations!
1. Learn to say no when you don’t want to do something.
It’s OK to say no, even if it seems like the person asking is important or powerful. In fact, learning how to do this will make you more confident and assertive in other areas of your life as well. You can also learn how not feeling accountable for things that happen around you because someone else asked too much of you (or even worse—you gave in).
If someone has asked something of me that I know is unreasonable or would be hard for me to do on my own time schedule (like cleaning up a room), I’ll often just tell them straight up: “I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable doing this task right now.” If they’re really insistent that they need my help immediately after receiving such an explanation from me (and knowing what the task entails), then maybe we can work out some other kind of arrangement where both parties get what they need without having wasted each other’s time unnecessarily.
2. Speak up for yourself in uncomfortable situations.
- When you feel uncomfortable in a situation, speak up.
- When someone else is talking down to you, don’t let them get away with it.
- If someone is treating you unfairly or making fun of your appearance (or lack thereof), stand up for yourself—and remember that if they don’t like what they see, maybe they should try dressing better themselves.
3. If a girl or woman does speak up for herself and gets criticized for it, that’s not a reason to stay quiet.
The first thing to do is to recognize that you are being spoken down to. It may be because they think they know better than you or because they want something from you (which could be anything from your time or attention). Either way, this is not okay! You have every right to criticize someone else’s behavior if they are doing something wrong in the workplace or at home. If someone criticizes their own work without knowing how much effort and dedication went into creating it—or even worse, if they tell someone else what kind of car should be parked in front of their house—this person has no business telling anyone else how things should look at work or home!
4. It helps to have people around you who will speak up for you in the same situations.
It’s important to surround yourself with people who will speak up for you in the same situations. This is especially true at work, where there are times when it’s hard to be heard—especially if you’re not one of the boss’ favorite employees. Having someone around who knows how to speak up and listen can really help with this.
5. When someone else is speaking, listen to them. Don’t interrupt and don’t plan what you are going to say while they are talking.
When someone else is speaking, listen to them. Don’t interrupt and don’t plan what you are going to say while they are talking. If you have something important on your mind that needs to be said, wait until the other person has finished speaking before speaking yourself. This will allow both of you a chance at expressing your thoughts without interrupting each other or making assumptions about what another person means by what he says.
6. Take your time in answering questions, especially if they’re important questions, where it matters what you say and how you say it.
Once you’ve gathered your thoughts, be sure to take your time in answering questions. It’s easy to rush around and answer the first thing that comes to mind when you’ve got a lot on your mind. But remember: it’s important that you say something accurate and helpful so that people know what they’re doing with the information they’ve been given by the person who asked the question.
If someone asks me about something I don’t know much about, such as how my boss is doing at work or whether we should hire more people for our team (which has been discussed before), then I’ll usually say “I’m not sure” without hesitation because it’s true! If someone asks me how my day went today after coming home from work late yesterday evening because they were worried about what happened while they were gone (and let’s face it—it probably wasn’t good), then I might respond with something like “I spent most of my day thinking about ways we could improve ourselves as employees so we could deliver better products and services next time around.”
7. Be positive about your opinions of yourself and other people.
- Be positive about your opinions of yourself and other people. This is the first step in being confident, because you have to start by believing in yourself. Having confidence means not being afraid to share your opinion and tell a story that makes sense to you. If someone disagrees with what you have to say, it doesn’t mean they don’t respect or like you—it just means they’re wrong! Confidence also allows us to disagree without feeling threatened or defensive; we can ask questions instead of acting like we know everything already (which is usually true). If everyone was always right when they spoke up at work—and never made mistakes—then nobody would ever learn anything new because there’d be no room for growth!
8. Talk about your strengths and abilities without braggin’ or trying to make other people feel bad about themselves.
- Don’t brag. Don’t try to make other people feel bad about themselves by talking about your strengths and abilities in a way that makes you sound like a know-it-all. Instead, focus on what you can do for the company or organization and how it will benefit them as well as yourself. This applies not just when working with colleagues but also at home—if your friends are meeting up after work, don’t bring up how much better their lives would be if they had more money in their bank account or were able to afford a down payment on an apartment in New York City (assuming this is true).
9. Don’t let people put you down because of your age, gender, or anything else about who you are. You can choose whether or not to accept their ideas about you and your potential.
When you’re at work and home, it’s easy to let other people’s opinions of you affect your own. But this can be dangerous because it makes you think that what they said about you is true.
For example, if someone says something mean about your age or gender on Facebook or Twitter, there is no way for them to know if what they’re saying is true or not! If this person knows something bad about me because I’m not as good at my job, then I will always think that too. But the truth is that sometimes people just want attention from others, so they say things like, “You should do better.”
10. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when there are things that don’t make sense to you or when you want more information.
When you don’t understand something, ask. You can even ask questions when you know the answer.
You can also ask questions to understand someone else’s point of view or just to get a better understanding of what they’re talking about.
For example, if your coworker is talking about getting a new insurance policy and seems confused about how it works, ask them for more details about what exactly this entails so that you can understand it better yourself!
11. Be confident in yourself, speak up for yourself, and talk positively about yourself!
You are the only one who can make yourself feel good. You should always be confident in yourself, speak up for yourself and talk positively about yourself. Don’t let people put you down or tell you that your ideas aren’t good, but instead remind them how much value they have added to the company by letting them know about it!
Don’t be afraid to ask questions—if there’s something that doesn’t seem right at work (or anywhere else), ask someone about it so that they can explain why it’s being done this way or another way entirely!
That’s it!
I hope you’ve found these tips helpful and that they’ve empowered you to be the best version of yourself at work and home. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thanks for reading! And remember: don’t let anyone make you feel bad about yourself when they’re talking about how confident or how sassy you are as a woman in today’s world.